Monday, August 31, 2009

More Summer Snapshots...

Here are a few more random photos from our summer...

2009 was the summer of slugs...they were everywhere!

If you look closely front and center, you'll see one of our temporary classroom pets. The preschoolers hatched a Praying Mantis egg- technically called an "Oothica"-as a project. Since the hatch resulted in hundreds of baby Mantises, the preschoolers let us keep two in our classroom for a while. The Frogs loved watching the Mantises, especially during Mantis mealtime. Praying Mantises use their long front legs to catch live insects for dinner, which they nibble from side to side like an ear of corn. OK. it was a little bit gross, but utterly fascinating to watch!!!

(Speaking of eggs, remember these (scroll down to see what I'm talking about...)? Unfortunately, nothing came out. Apparently 2009 was not the Summer of chickens. Maybe next year...)

...Oh well, at least the fertility gods were with us on the garden front. Look, wheat!!!

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