Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wrapping Up and Moving Forward!

Whew! It's officially Summer as of Sunday, 1:45 am. Summer is always a super busy time at Nonotuck, with new families orienting to the program, teachers and families going on vacation, children moving from one classroom to the next, children 'graduating' from the school... It's easy to get swept up in all of the comings and goings! Before that happens, we wanted to take a minute to reflect of our last few weeks of curriculum.

It's really hard to write a post about costuming curriculum without including pictures of the children in all of their finery! Since three year old's are all about feeling magical and very powerful, we tried to make some costumes that would work with those themes...

Sparkly capes, modeled by our glamorous, giant jar o' beads...

Fancy badges inspired by a school visit from our local police department...
...Plus princess hats, no-sew puffy skirts, and paper bag robot costumes!
We are starting to think about what we are going to do next. With all of the comings and goings, we will most likely be keeping our curriculum fairly simple. We are, however trying to hatch these again;
...this time, we are being pretty low key about the whole process with the children. The kids know the eggs are in the incubator, but it isn't the whole focus of our curriculum. If the chicks decide to hatch, they should be doing so by around June 30th. We shall see...

1 comment:

Steph said...

Angela likes to wear her cape and yell"Abbra-Paddabra!".

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