Thursday, August 27, 2009

Where the Summer Went...

Wow! We didn't actually mean for the Blog to take a summer vacation, nevertheless, it's been almost two months since our last post. Sorry about the lapse, even if it does serve as an apt metaphor for this summer zipping by in a flash!

Summer at Nonotuck always feels like a strange combination of very busy and very low key, at least from the teacher's perspective. Summertime is when we begin to move children from one classroom to the next. It is also when most families go away on vacation. These two factors combined meant that every week we had a different combination of kids. This made carrying out any long, involved curriculum projects that require continuity difficult. There was, however a theme that emerged from most of the Frog's summer vacation destinations, one which we were happy to pull into the classroom....




Giant Manta Ray...

Crabs and seals...

more seaweed with paint...

...have you guessed what this years top vacation spot was yet?

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