Thursday, May 20, 2010

We Totally Planned This...

Since all of the Frogs are now officially "Pre-school" aged, we have been occasionally heading over to the "big" playground during to try out their bigger, fancier climbing structure and swings. Last Friday, we were over there, playing in the playhouse when we noticed this;
If you look closely, you'll notice that the mud is still wet!

On Monday, we were back on the toddler playground peeking over the fence, when we noticed that someone had cordoned off the pre-school playhouse. When we asked Ashley, the Possum teacher, what was up, she said "go look through the window..."

We did, and this is what we found;

...Notice anything? No? Take a closer look;

Clearly, this is no ordinary Robin. How else can you explain it's uncanny ability to lay her eggs just as we were wrapping up our curriculum exploration of oviparous animals?

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