Monday, May 3, 2010

Adios, Pollitos!!!

Our little chicks aren't so little anymore;
One day old...
Three days old...
Six days old...

Time to go!!!

They're still adorable, but also...aromatic. They are also getting quite large. We moved them to a larger brood box last Friday, but they are already outgrowing that. Their wing and tail feathers are starting to fill out, and you can see them trying to stretch those wings and test their abilities (not unlike the children in the Frog room!) Clearly, these little chickies need a bigger home. That is why we sent them along to their new home at Francine's Farm this morning. In parting, here is a video that I took last Friday while the kids were dancing along with Elena, our awesome Spanish teacher. After singing "Camina, Camina ", Elana and the Frogs sang a lullaby to the baby chickies; 'Los Pollitos Dicen'

Adios, baby chickies! We will miss you (but not your smell)!

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