Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Last of the Sap

The gap between daytime and overnight temperatures has been steadily closing, which means that the Sap is no longer "running hard". We did, however, find an excellent surprise the last time we checked our bucket...
Sugar Ants!!!
(There were a bunch of Ladybugs too, but they flew away before we could take their picture!)
We haven't seen this many bugs outside since the fall, so the Frogs were thrilled!
We will probably pull the tap out tomorrow. Then on Friday, we'll wrap up our sugaring season with a trip to a local sugar shack for a look at a large scale sugaring operation...and some pancakes, of course!


Steph said...

Spring is truly here!

Jesse said...

It's funny that sugar ants are an excellent surprise! (considering what a pain they can be at home in our kitchens-)but with 3 year olds exploring spring I guess that is true. Again- great project idea- (tree sap into syrup, etc.)

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