Thursday, May 28, 2009

Moving Right Along...

Well, first the chicks didn't hatch, and now it looks like a field trip to Mapeline Farms won't really work out in the near future, but...

Good things are happening!!! On the playground...

...the little corner plot of wheat that we planted as part of the Little Red Hen Project has sprouted...

...and the irises in our garden are finally blooming!

Inside the classroom, we are beginning to see our curriculum veer in a new direction. Last week, a child picked up a plastic cone from the block shelf, stuck a filmy scarf in the top, placed the whole thing on her head and announced, "Now, I am a princess!" This Tuesday, a different child came to school dresses as Dorothy from 'The Wizard of Oz'. Later, we found this little guy in a corner of the classroom;

...Hmmm, all signs point to "Dress Up Time" as our next curriculum exploration!

DIY Crowns made out of felt, Mylar and foam stickers.

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