Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Everyone and everything is getting bigger around here!!!

The Snow peas in our garden...
The Robins on the playground...

(We discovered that there are actually three, rather than four. One egg didn't hatch...)
Our Silkworms...

...and the Frogs! A number of the children seem to be ageing out of nap. We are still making sure that everyone at least gets an hour of quiet time in, but the non-nappers are one determined bunch! Of course, it is pretty typical for a child to phase out their nap between ages three and four. The best way to handle the situation is to make sure they are getting to bed early enough to still get enough sleep overall.
Since we now have some children who stay awake during nap-time, we figured it was the perfect time to start reading chapter books out loud- a very big-kid type of activity! We just started reading My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett. It is a great story, with just the right ammount of intreigue, danger and daring! The Frogs have been very attentive, listening to two or three chapters at a time. What great practice for the big leap to a pre-school classroom!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baby Robins!!!

Someone was busy over Memorial Day Weekend!
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