Friday, January 22, 2010

Monthly Mural: January..."Ice is a Solid"

For January's installment in our monthly mural project, we decided to incorporate our exploration of the states of matter-ie. solid, liquid, gas- by painting with a liquid that we turned into a solid.

Flexible tempera paint + ice cube trays + freezer = Paintsicles!!!

After a little experimentation, the kids figured out an effective way to turn the frozen paint back into a liquid;

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Here Comes Science

Howdy and a happy 2010 to you all!

We will be bringing in the second decade of the twenty first century with Science as our curriculum focus. OK, "Science" as a subject area is pretty broad. We did that on purpose, in order to accommodate a wide variety of interests, from robots. to plants, to physics. We were also very inspired by the new CD from 'They Might Be Giants', Here Comes Science. If you haven't heard it yet, you should, it's super!!! Our unifying curriculum theme will be asking questions, forming theories and putting those theories to the test. Should be interesting!

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