Thursday, July 2, 2009

Round and Round all Through the Town!

Now that Summer vacation season is here, every once in a while we have a day where we have very few children enrolled for the day. When this happens, we like to take full advantage of the great teacher child ratios by heading out and about. Last Friday, we had four children and three adults on hand. We decided to have an adventure....
We rode the bus...
...indulged in some doughnuts...
...window shopped...
...and took in the sights downtown!
After that, it was off to the library.... check out some books...
...and to visit Paco, the library's giant fish!
Then we walked over to the college to watch the construction...
...and visit the minerals...
...and the invertebrates in the science building.
We visited the fountain...

...where we watched a vertebrate who was taking a drink.
Then on to the garden... smell the sweetpeas...

...admire the flowers... for fish...

...and hide under the big tree!

On the way back, we took a run through the neon tunnel!

What a great day!

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